Apostle/Prophet Rennie Shem Allamby

Founder and Overseer of Apostolic Embassy International

A Global Voice...

A Trinidadian native, Rennie, called 'Apostle' by his family, had founded Apostolic Embassy International (formerly Holiness in the Fear of God Ministries) in July 2011. Through many hard fought spiritual battles, he has successfully watched over and stewarded His ministry to achieve its International status in August 2024, by the grace of God. Christ has called Apostle Allamby to serve Him in the offices of Apostle and Prophet to the nations as revealed to him by the Spirit of God in the book of Jeremiah 1

The core mandate of his international ministry is to restore order to the body of Christ by establishing and visiting churches to correct error and re-introduce proper biblical doctrine, and to raise and anoint leaders into their offices by the leading and power of the Holy Spirit.

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Apostolic Embassy International
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Trinidad, W.I.

Spirit Led Messages